Wednesday, January 8, 2020

CrohnS Disease . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . By Elizabeth

Crohn s Disease By: Elizabeth Nazginov 8G1 Due: April 5th 2017 Crohn s disease is one of two conditions referred to by the term Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The other condition that is referred to as an IBD is called Ulcerative Colitis. Both Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis are conditions that cause recurring or persistent inflammation in one or more sections of the intestine. The literal definition of inflammation is being set on fire. It is a protective reaction that happens when tissue is injured or destroyed. There are two types of inflammations. The first is acute inflammation, which is defined by heat, redness, pain and swelling. The†¦show more content†¦There is approximately a fifteen to twenty five percent chance of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the extended family of someone who has Crohn s. However in this situation, ulcerative colitis would be less likely than Crohn s. The risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease occurring if both of a child s parents having an IBD begins at least around fifty percent. According to Mayoc, open quote As many as 1 in 5 people with Crohn s disease has a family member with the disease closed quote. Crohn s Disease is most commonly found in advanced areas like in Scandinavia, North America, the United Kingdom and Western Europe. Crohn s Disease affects Ashkenazi Jews and Caucasians more than any other racial groups. Another reason that supports the theory of genetics being a cause of Crohn s can also be found on page eleven in the same book as the book in the first reason. On page eleven it is written: open quote While little has been accomplished so far in ulcerative colitis, mutations in a gene known as NOD2, located on chromosome 16, have been shown to predispose some people to Crohn s in the Ileum, especially the form of the disease that causes a lot of scarring and narrowing closed quote. In other words, there has been mutations in a gene found on chromosome sixteen that have been proved to cause some people to get Crohn s in the Ileum (whichShow MoreRelat ed Crohns Disease Essay1927 Words   |  8 Pages Crohn’s Disease Crohn’s disease is a debilitating disease that can affect your entire life and lifestyle if you allow it to. It affects someone that is very dear to me, my best friend’s mother, Stephanie. I see her live through this day in and day out, and it has raised many questions in my mind. Questions like how you get it, why you get it, and what you really go through when you have it. It is something I have little knowledge of, and by learning more information on it, I feel as if I can possiblyRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?1915 Words   |  8 Pagesregulating normal bodily functions and help the brain get rid of traumatic memories. Today one of the most advanced medical marijuana programs is located in Mechoulam’s native Israel, with over 20,000 patients using cannabis as treatment for glaucoma, Crohn’s disease, and Tourette’s syndrome. Sides’ article goes on to report that â€Å"U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently expressed interest in what science will learn about marijuana, noting that preliminary data show that â€Å"for certain medical conditionsRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Abuse3586 Words   |  15 Pagesstarts taking painkillers with the intent of becoming addicted to them most people start taking of course for the medications main purpose. Painkillers are taken numb pain away or relive it to a level where the body can handle the pain. According to Elizabeth Hartly, there is no special training, skill, effort or techniques needed in order to be able to manage pain when using narcotic painkillers. All a person really has to do is take a pill and the pain is greatly reduced or gone completely. Since theseRead MoreGsk Annual Report 2010135604 Words   |  543 PagesEurope. Operating a values-based business with integrity Continuing to run our business in a responsible way is also central to t he changes we have made at GSK. In 2010, we continued progress in our signiï ¬ cant commitment to work on neglected tropical diseases. Our candidate malaria vaccine is progressing through phase III trials in Africa. If all goes well, this will be the ï ¬ rst ever vaccine against malaria, with the potential to save the lives of millions of children and infants in Africa. We also announcedRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesconsequences of a false result? Given the consequences, is the risk of a false result acceptable? Medical researchers use statistical methods to make recommendations regarding the choice between surgical and nonsurgical treatment of such diseases as coronary heart disease and cancer. How do they weigh the risks and beneï ¬ ts to reach such a recommendation? University ï ¬ nancial aid ofï ¬ ces survey students on the cost of going to school and collect data on family income, savings, and expenses. The resulting

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