Friday, December 6, 2019

Looking at women by scott russell sanders free essay sample

The goal of this course is to develop basic skills for facilitating the acquisition of personal and discipline-based knowledge pertaining to Social Sciences. Students will learn to locate pertinent information both in the library and through computer-based resources. In addition, students will develop the capacity to understand the structure of a text, draw out the authors hypotheses and discuss the value of the argument proposed. The course will also focus on developing critical reading skills and refining skills in written and oral communication. COURSE THEME Social movements are agents of transformative social change which influence public policy, reform institutions, change public opinion and contribute to processes of democratization. Even when they fail to bring about substantive changes, activists inspire debate, transform personal behaviors and bring about changes in values and culture. Because of their profound impact, social movements are a central preoccupation of sociological theorizing and analysis. This course will provide an introduction to some of the key sociological concepts, theory and research involved in the study of social movements. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking at women by scott russell sanders or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We will focus on case studies of historical and contemporary North American and global activism, including the civil rights movement, the womens movement, gay/lesbian activism, environmentalism, the animal rights movement and the global justice movement. We will also expand our focus to nondemocratic contexts in order to understand how these dynamics function in different contexts. Our goal in this course will be to understand some of the ways social movements act to realize their goals but also some of the dilemmas they face in their projects of social change. Introduction to studying the Social Sciences (SCS 1150) GENERAL COURSE OBJECTIVES Enable the student to reflect on and develop a critical perspective on social phenomena. By examining a specific theme and its causes, consequences and the roles of the players involved, the student will be encouraged to reflect on this theme through individual and group activities. SPECIFIC COURSE OBJECTIVES Develop written and oral communication skills in the student’s primary language. Introduce the student to contemporary issues in the discipline of study. Develop the student’s abilities to analyse and synthesize. Develop the student’s research capabilities to: Carry out a simple research assignment using the appropriate tools Find the necessary information Work independently Develop the student’s capacity to dialogue with others. Use appropriate citation methods COURSE MATERIALS There are two mandatory sets of reading materials: 1. Textbook: Social Movements by Suzanne Staggenborg (available at the University bookstore) 2. Coursepack: SCS 1150 Social Movements theme (available from Rytec Printing, 404 Dalhousie St.) COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Students are expected to attend all seminars, have completed readings for each class, be ready to discuss them and to hand all assignments in on time. 2. Students are required to meet the professor twice during the semester: to discuss and finalize the topic for the term paper topic in weeks 4/5 to approve the term paper outline and reference list in weeks 7/8 there is also an optional meeting for the oral presentation in weeks 10/11 You will be asked to sign-up for the meetings. DO NOT miss your appointment. It will not be rescheduled. 3. Please consult Virtual Campus regularly. Important information will be posted here regarding assignments, seminars and due dates. Powerpoint presentations from class lectures will be posted before the final exam review. 4. There are five graded assignments: a. Text Summary: In this assignment you will be asked to summarize a text. This text has been selected by the professor and additional details will be provided in class. b. Outline and annotated reference list: For this assignment you will use the sample provided in class to develop an outline of your final paper. The outline will include an annotated reference list of no less than 6 appropriate and scholarly references. Additional details to be provided in class. c. Term paper: Building on your outline, the term paper assignment is a researchbased paper of approximately 2,000-2,500 words in which you are expected to make Introduction to studying the Social Sciences (SCS 1150)

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