Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on The Importance of Communication in an Organization

Communication is an important skill for people to have in an organisation. Through the interpersonal communication (communication between two or more people) process, people can exchange information, create motivation, express feelings or apply penalties for inappropriate behavior, all within the workplace (Robbins, et al, 2009). According to Eunson (2008) people who lack communication skills in the organisation should be trained to deal with different situation that involve communicating effectively (p. 554). In response to Eunson (2008), this essay aims to prove why interpersonal communication is an important skill to have and how organisation can train employees and managers to use these skills within the workplace. Additionally, the†¦show more content†¦By being aware of the interpersonal communication skills, managers can understand an employee’s attitudes and beliefs through the verbal and non-verbal gesture they offer. For instance, a manager who is aware of in terpersonal communication skills will be able to pick on an employees attitudes and beliefs towards a designated job and being able to attune the job requirements to the preferences of the employee. In addition, understanding different models of communication enable members inside and outside an organisation to depict different messages being provided by the employee or customer and develop their communication skills. The Shannon and Weaver model of communication was developed to show the effects of communication between two people (Kikoski, 1993). In the Shannon and Weaver model, a message is encoded (via a symbolic form) from a source (the sender) through a medium called a channel, and decoded (retranslated) by the receiver. However, the message can be interrupted by a process called noise and can result in discrepancy and sometimes negative feedback from the receiver (Bowman and Targowski, 1987). In response to the Shannon and Weaver model of communication, through the identification of any noise within the communication process, as a result of the manager level of attunement in communication skills, the encodedShow MoreRelatedImportance of Communications in an Organization1 496 Words   |  6 PagesImportance of Communications in an Organization Your Name Your College or University Abstract The accelerating pace of change is creating an exceptional level of turbulence in even the most well-run organizations today. Combined with uncertainty over roles, responsibilities and jobs, employees are more anxious and concerned with the future direction of the organizations they are members of than ever before. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Assertiveness As A Person Can Possess And Show Essay

There are many factors of personality that a person can possess and show. Each individual person is different and has varying levels of one trait or another. The trait of assertiveness will be the focus of this paper. How the trait is defined, perspectives of the trait, the trait’s origins, advantages and disadvantages to the trait and the author’s personal opinions on the trait from experience are the specific topics that will be discussed in detail on the trait of assertiveness. Trait Definition Assertiveness can be defined in many different ways depending on the way it is being used and the purpose of the definition, but overall there are common descriptions always used to describe assertiveness. The definition of assertiveness is widely accepted as a person’s ability to maintain boundaries and express what is needed and wanted clearly. Assertiveness is also defined as a person’s ability to express emotions that they are feeling despite the consequences. (Deutschendorf, 2009) The 16PF is a personality test that examines the sixteen personality traits that Raymond B. Cattell, Maurice Tatsuoka and Herbert Eber considered the main parts of a person’s overall personality. In their test, assertiveness is associated with a person’s leadership qualities and is defined in a person as self-assured even tempered and resistant to stress. When a decision is made they do not worry about it anymore (Pearson, 2005). The five factor model for personality also defines assertiveness inShow MoreRelatedcoat of arms Essay1433 Words   |  6 Pagesrepresent each quality in the coat of arms. The idea of placing each symbol in different locations of the coat of arms will also be the part of discussion. Communication is life long learning skills for nurses. Communication can be in different forms. It can be verbal or non verbal. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Biography of Alan Greenspan Free Essays

It is somewhat inconceivable that a man often dubbed as the â€Å"second most powerful man in the United States next to the president himself†, was an undergraduate at the Juilliard School, studying the clarinet. A former member of a jazz band and perfectly capable of playing the saxophone, Alan Greenspan is a name known in every American household, where a staggering statistic of 9 out of 10 American adults are acquainted with who Greenspan is, as opposed to knowing who the Vice President of the United States is. Born to a Hungarian Jewish family on March 6, 1926, Alan Greenspan spent his formative years in Washington Heights, New York. We will write a custom essay sample on Biography of Alan Greenspan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Having an aptitude for numbers, Greenspan was the one who was often left with the bands bookkeeping and his natural inclination towards business was what prompted his transition from studying musical arts to studying economics. Thus, enrolling at the New York University on September 1944, he went on to earn two degrees in economics, graduating summa cum laude in 1948 and attaining his MA in 1950. Although he was never able to finish his PhD at Columbia University owing to a lack of a dissertation, he attained it later on at NYU in 1977 without having to make the particular requirement as well as honorary Doctor of Commercial Science on December 14, 2005. Almost 40 years before his appointment as chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan’s professional career began as an economic analyst at the National Industrial [Insert Last Name 2] Conference Board, where he stayed on from 1947 to 1953. He then proceeded to open, along with William Townsend, Townsend, Greenspan Company, an economic consulting firm in New York City where he served as the firm’s president and chairman for a little over 33 years. Having accepted the job as a coordinator on domestic policy under Richard Nixon during the presidential campaign in 1968 and later as the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in 1974 to 1977 under Gerald Ford, the company was seen to be dwindling down from success. Successors to the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve that was being vacated by Paul Volcker were being nominated and Alan Greenspan’s name was among those in mind. Nominated by Ronald Reagan, Greenspan’s nomination hearing went through on July 21 1987 and confirmed by the Senate on August 11, 1987. He was faced with his first ever crisis; the 1987 stock market rash which was one of the biggest crashes in the history of Wall Street. His period serving at the Fed has allowed him to build credibility and flexibility in affecting the economy, combating recession by lowering the interest rates without so putting so much of a shock on the bond market. Serving as the chairman of the Federal Reserve for four terms under past presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, Greenspan was nominated by President George Bush to serve his fifth tem on May 18, 2004, an extraordinary feat that has yet to be surpassed. Among his many awards and titles that he received during his service was the Presidential Medal of Freedom, bestowed upon him by President George W. bush in November 2005, Knight Commander of the British Empire in 2002 and Commander of the Legion of Honor. Having appointed another successor in the person of yet another former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to ensure a [Insert Last Name 3] smooth changeover, Greenspan’s stay as a member of the board officially reached a close on January 31, 2006. Converted from being a logical positivist, he became an advocate of Objectivism due to the influence of Nathaniel Branden. He was introduced to Ayn Rand, the Objectivist author who was to become his mentor and friend, by his first wife, Joan Mitchell. A supporter of Rand’s philosophy, Greenspan wrote several literary pieces for the Objectivist newsletters as well as contributions for Capitalism; the Unknown Ideal, Rand’s book published in 1966 among which was an essay supporting the gold standard. A known advocate of laissez faire capitalism, a number of Objectivists find irony in the way that Greenspan supports the gold standard in spite of the Federal Reserve’s role in America’s fiat money system and endogenous inflation. Harry Binswanger claims that Greenspan falls short of his support of the Objectivist and free market principles as evinced by his publicly expressed opinions and actions while working for the Federal Reserve. Following his retirement from the Federal Reserve, Greenspan has a new company; the Greenspan Associates LLC, working as an advisor, making speeches and offering consulting for other firms. He has written his own memoir, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, which was published on September 17, 2007. In it, he tells of his history in the service of the U. S. government as well as issues, present and future, concerning global economy, where he voices out his criticisms of President George Bush, VP Dick Cheney and the Republican-controlled Congress. Having been given his third stint as a private adviser, Greenspan was hired by Paulsen Co in the middle of January 2008 to get his input on economic issues and monetary policies. As such, he will be advising them on issues the U. S. economy and the world financial markets. [Insert Last Name 4] Works Cited Sheehan, Fred. â€Å"Alan, We Hardly Know You’. 20 July 2007. Safehaven. 12 April 2008. http://www. safehaven. com/article-8006. htm How to cite Biography of Alan Greenspan, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Looking at women by scott russell sanders free essay sample

The goal of this course is to develop basic skills for facilitating the acquisition of personal and discipline-based knowledge pertaining to Social Sciences. Students will learn to locate pertinent information both in the library and through computer-based resources. In addition, students will develop the capacity to understand the structure of a text, draw out the authors hypotheses and discuss the value of the argument proposed. The course will also focus on developing critical reading skills and refining skills in written and oral communication. COURSE THEME Social movements are agents of transformative social change which influence public policy, reform institutions, change public opinion and contribute to processes of democratization. Even when they fail to bring about substantive changes, activists inspire debate, transform personal behaviors and bring about changes in values and culture. Because of their profound impact, social movements are a central preoccupation of sociological theorizing and analysis. This course will provide an introduction to some of the key sociological concepts, theory and research involved in the study of social movements. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking at women by scott russell sanders or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We will focus on case studies of historical and contemporary North American and global activism, including the civil rights movement, the womens movement, gay/lesbian activism, environmentalism, the animal rights movement and the global justice movement. We will also expand our focus to nondemocratic contexts in order to understand how these dynamics function in different contexts. Our goal in this course will be to understand some of the ways social movements act to realize their goals but also some of the dilemmas they face in their projects of social change. Introduction to studying the Social Sciences (SCS 1150) GENERAL COURSE OBJECTIVES Enable the student to reflect on and develop a critical perspective on social phenomena. By examining a specific theme and its causes, consequences and the roles of the players involved, the student will be encouraged to reflect on this theme through individual and group activities. SPECIFIC COURSE OBJECTIVES Develop written and oral communication skills in the student’s primary language. Introduce the student to contemporary issues in the discipline of study. Develop the student’s abilities to analyse and synthesize. Develop the student’s research capabilities to: Carry out a simple research assignment using the appropriate tools Find the necessary information Work independently Develop the student’s capacity to dialogue with others. Use appropriate citation methods COURSE MATERIALS There are two mandatory sets of reading materials: 1. Textbook: Social Movements by Suzanne Staggenborg (available at the University bookstore) 2. Coursepack: SCS 1150 Social Movements theme (available from Rytec Printing, 404 Dalhousie St.) COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Students are expected to attend all seminars, have completed readings for each class, be ready to discuss them and to hand all assignments in on time. 2. Students are required to meet the professor twice during the semester: to discuss and finalize the topic for the term paper topic in weeks 4/5 to approve the term paper outline and reference list in weeks 7/8 there is also an optional meeting for the oral presentation in weeks 10/11 You will be asked to sign-up for the meetings. DO NOT miss your appointment. It will not be rescheduled. 3. Please consult Virtual Campus regularly. Important information will be posted here regarding assignments, seminars and due dates. Powerpoint presentations from class lectures will be posted before the final exam review. 4. There are five graded assignments: a. Text Summary: In this assignment you will be asked to summarize a text. This text has been selected by the professor and additional details will be provided in class. b. Outline and annotated reference list: For this assignment you will use the sample provided in class to develop an outline of your final paper. The outline will include an annotated reference list of no less than 6 appropriate and scholarly references. Additional details to be provided in class. c. Term paper: Building on your outline, the term paper assignment is a researchbased paper of approximately 2,000-2,500 words in which you are expected to make Introduction to studying the Social Sciences (SCS 1150)